A guide to the best cheese knives

Cheese is one of the most popular foods in the world, and if you like sampling different types of cheese, it is a must to view the benefits of our cheese subscription. It's important to have the right tools a good cheese knife will help you cut through hard and soft cheeses without crushing them or tearing them apart. Here are some of the cheese knives you need for your collection.

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Smoked Cheese Truckle Graze board

Hard cheese knife


A hard cheese knife is exactly what it sounds like: a sharp, serrated blade that can cut through hard cheeses with ease. If you want to enjoy your cheddar without shredding the block into bits and pieces, a hard cheese knife will do the job.


Most of these utensils are made from stainless steel and have long handles that make them easy to use even if you're cutting solid cheeses like Comte or Parmesan. The blades of these knives are typically quite thin, which also makes them ideal for slicing through meat and vegetables.


Soft cheese knife


Again, as the name suggests, a soft cheese knife is suitable for soft cheeses like Brie, Camembert and chevre. The blade is typically serrated, and features holes to keep soft cheeses from sticking. The holes can also be used to push pieces of cheese off the knife.

Cheese slice knife


A cheese slice knife is a knife with a long, thin blade and a handle on each side. It's best used for cutting hard and semi-hard cheeses like cheddar and parmesan, but it can also be used to cut soft cheeses if you prefer thinner slices. These thin layers of cheese can be added to bread or crackers for quick snacks.


Why not buy a cheese knife set?


If you know someone who is really into their cheese or likes to host a cheese and wine night, buying them a cheese knife set could be the ideal gift. Our Windsor cheese knife set includes luxury hard cheese and soft cheese knives as well as a cheese slicer and parmesan knife. Each knife has been worked and shaped by hand from high-quality stainless steel.


We hope this blog post has helped you understand the different types of cheese knives. For more information on the best cheese knife for you and other products like our luxury cheese hampers, contact us today.


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