Must have supplies for a home or garden bar

Pub Clip Strip
Our top picks for must have products if you have your own home bar or are looking for gifts for someone who has a home bar.

Setting up a home bar can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here's a list of must-have items to consider for your home bar:

  1. Basic Spirits: Start with essential spirits like vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and whiskey (bourbon and/or Scotch). These versatile spirits form the foundation for a wide range of cocktails. Why not add some of The Chuckling Cheese Company confectionary inspired flavoured gins & spirits

  2. Mixers and Liqueurs: Stock up on mixers such as tonic water, soda water, cola, ginger ale, and fruit juices (e.g., orange juice, cranberry juice). Additionally, include popular liqueurs like triple sec, vermouth (sweet and dry), and amaretto for crafting cocktails.

  3. Bar Tools: Invest in essential bar tools including a cocktail shaker, mixing glass, stirring spoon, jigger (measuring tool), muddler, strainer, and citrus juicer. These tools will help you prepare cocktails efficiently and professionally.

  4. Glassware: Acquire a variety of glassware to serve different types of drinks. Essentials include rocks glasses (for whiskey), highball glasses (for cocktails like a gin and tonic), martini glasses, wine glasses, and beer mugs or pint glasses.

  5. Garnishes: Keep a selection of garnishes on hand to add flavor and visual appeal to cocktails. Common garnishes include citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges), olives, cocktail cherries, and cocktail onions.

  6. Ice: Ice is crucial for chilling drinks and diluting cocktails. Invest in ice trays or an ice maker to ensure you always have a sufficient supply of ice cubes or crushed ice.

  7. Snacks: No home  or garden bar is complete without a selction of snacks. Top of this list has to be a selection of salty pork scratchings & crisps. Why not add a pub clip strip of pork scratchings to your bar to add that authentic pub look.

  8. Bar Towels and Napkins: Keep a stack of bar towels or cloths handy for wiping spills and cleaning surfaces. Cocktail napkins are also useful for serving drinks and can add a touch of elegance to your home bar setup.

  9. Recipe Book or App: Whether it's a physical cocktail recipe book or a smartphone app, having access to a collection of cocktail recipes will help you experiment with different drinks and expand your mixology skills.

  10. Personal Touches: Consider adding personal touches to your home bar, such as decorative items, artwork, or a selection of your favorite spirits or liqueurs. These elements can make your home bar feel inviting and reflective of your personality.

Remember to drink responsibly and enjoy your home bar experience in moderation. Cheers!

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